Conference Display
- Enter a new name if desired for the display.
- Select a Title.
- Select a Subtitle.
- Click Add Panels and select from the drop-down from the following to add up to 6 panels to display.WidgetDescriptionAge ConversationShows the age ranges of Tweet authors who made Tweets matching the Topic Profile. The size of the circles is proportional to the volume of posts.GenderShows a seesaw with a male and female figure that balances back and forth to show the greater percentage.Latest TweetShows the latest tweet matching the chosen Topic Profile.SentimentShows a happy and sad smiley face to indicate overall sentiment of the tweets. The percentage is also shown with the size of the faces indicating the proportion.Social MentionsShows two bar graphs of the volume of mentions for the current year and last year.Tag CloudShows a word cloud with hashtags used in the tweets. The size of the word indicates the frequency of use.
- Click Add Source/EditSource.
- Repeat to add another panel either using a different panel type or the same panel type using the same topic profile with different parameters.Radian6 and Basic Demographics must be enabled for the Age Conversation, Gender, and Hashtag widget to work.
- You can also select Use the same source for allpanels to have all the panels use the same topic profile.
- Select a Time range from the drop-down.
- Choose a widget transition in Transition of Fade, Slide Down, Slide Left and Flip.
- Click Create or ApplyChanges to save the changes and return to the Home screen.