Matching Rule Examples
- Match key values are generated for existing contacts. Based on the matching equation and the specified matching methods, two match keys are created. From these keys, match key values are generated.Matching Equation in Standardized FormatMatch KeySample Matching Field Values Sample Match Key Values(City AND Email) ORCity EmailCity = San FranciscoEmail = AND Phone)City PhoneCity = San FranciscoPhone = 415-555-1234sanfra415555
- Match key values for the new record are generated. The values are generated when the new record is saved. Matching Field ValuesMatch Key ValuesCity = San FranciscoEmail = john.doe@elitesports.comPhone = 415-555-1234sanfranciscojohn.doe@elitesports.comsanfra415555
- Match key values for the new record are compared with values from existingrecords.RecordMatching Field ValuesMatch Key ValuesMatch?1City = San FrnciscoEmail = john.doe@elitesports.comPhone = 1-415-555-1234sanfrnciscojohn.doe@elitesports.comsanfrn415555No. Not considered a duplicate.2City = San FranciscoEmail = john.doe@elitesports.comPhone = 1-415-555-1111sanfranciscojohn.doe@elitesports.comsanfra415555Yes. The first match key values are identical, so the record is considered a potential duplicate. Only one match key value match is needed.
- Determine if the new record is a potential duplicate. Does the new record have the same match key value as an existing record?Yes—The new record is considered a potential duplicate. It’s evaluated further using other matching resources, including matching algorithms.No—The new record is not considered a duplicate.
- Yes—The new record is considered a potential duplicate. It’s evaluated further using other matching resources, including matching algorithms.
- No—The new record is not considered a duplicate.