Test a Journey
- Create an event on the Entry Source screen.
- When the event finishes building, click its status in the Availability column.
- Set the event status to Test Mode. Note Events in Available mode can be used to test a journey as long as they are not beingtested as part of another journey. When an Available event is used in a journey that is beingtested, that event is placed in Test Mode while the test runs. If the journey is lateractivated, the event is automatically made Available again.
- Click Journeys.
- Build a journey that includes the event you built.
- Add activities to the journey. Note Only decision and random split activities can be executed in Test Mode.
- To start testing the journey, click Test.
- Go to Automation Studio and fire the entry event this journey is set to detect.
- When the test completes, simulated metric data appears on the canvas. No actual messages are sent to contacts. If necessary, modify Journey Settings to use the Nore-entry setting.
- Use the metrics shown on the canvas to determine whether your journey needs further edits or is ready for activation.