Set Your Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults
- From Setup, enter Sharing Settingsin the Quick Find box, then select SharingSettings.
- Click Edit in the Organization-WideDefaults area.
- For each object, select the default access you want to use. If you have externalorganization-wide defaults, see External Organization-Wide Defaults Overview.
- To disable automatic access using your hierarchies, deselect Grant AccessUsing Hierarchies for any custom object that does not have a defaultaccess of Controlled by Parent. Note If Grant Access UsingHierarchies is deselected, users that are higher in the role orterritory hierarchy don’t receive automatic access. However, someusers—such as those with the “View All” and “ModifyAll” object permissions and the “View All Data” and“Modify All Data” system permissions—can still access recordsthey don’t own.