Send Quick Text Messages in Chats
- While chatting with a customer, open the quick text browser.In Salesforce Classic, on Mac OS or Windows, type ;; in the message field.In Lightning Experience, type one of the following commands in the message field.Mac OS: Cmd+.Windows: Ctrl+.A list of quick text messages displays. Recently used messages display first.
- In Salesforce Classic, on Mac OS or Windows, type ;; in the message field.
- In Lightning Experience, type one of the following commands in the message field.Mac OS: Cmd+.Windows: Ctrl+.
- To see additional quick text messages, type a word or phrase.A list of messages that include those words appears.
- To see the title and full text of a message, hover over it or highlight it using the arrow keys on your keyboard.The full message displays in the preview panel.
- To select a message and add it to your chat, click it or use your keyboard to highlight it and then press Enter.
- To send the message, click Send or press Enter on your keyboard.