Scheduling and Invitations in Salesforce Classic
- Invite People to an Event and Schedule Resources in Salesforce ClassicInvite users, contacts, and leads to a meeting, and schedule meeting resources.
- Quickly Schedule a Meeting About an Account, a Contact, or a Lead in Salesforce ClassicDrag-and-drop scheduling lets you schedule events related to accounts, contacts, and leads without leaving the list view page. You drag records from list views onto weekly calendar views and enter the details of the event in an overlay.
- Export Events to Other Calendar Applications from Salesforce ClassicExport an event from the event detail page so that you can import it into Microsoft® Outlook®, Google Calendar™, or any calendar application that supports .ics files.
- Create an Event in a Public Calendar in Salesforce ClassicA public calendar contains a schedule of events that is available to a group of users, such as a sales events calendar for a sales department. If your Salesforce admin has set up a public calendar and you’re assigned to that group, you can view the calendar. You can also add an event just as you would add an event to your own calendar.
- Respond to Event InvitationsYou accept or decline an event invitation differently depending on whether the event organizer invited you from Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience.