Replace the Default Proxy Certificate for SAML Single Sign-On
- If you are using Single SAML Configurations, enable multiple configurations by clickingEnable Multiple Configs under Single Sign-On Settings. Read and understand all the instructions on that page. Enabling multiple configurations switches the certificate, so skip Step 2.
- Edit each affected configuration by changing the Request Signing Certificate to a certificate in your org. If you don’t have a certificate and key pair you want to use, upload one or select Generate self-signed certificate.
- Check whether service provider-initiated SAML works properly for your configuration. If it does, no identity provider updates are necessary, and you can skip steps four and five.If you migrated from a single to multiple configurations, update the Assertion Consumer Service URL.
- If identity provider updates are necessary, download the certificate you selected for the Request Signing Certificate.
- Upload this certificate into the identity provider for use in validating SAML requests from Salesforce. If you migrated to multiple configurations from a single configuration, note the Salesforce Login URL and update the value in the identity provider.