Get Started with Journey Builder
- What Is Journey Builder?Journey Builder is a campaign planning tool that empowers marketers to design andautomate campaigns that guide customers through their journey with a brand. When configured,Journey Builder runs responsive campaigns automatically.
- PrerequisitesReview these items before using Journey Builder whether you’re a marketer or administrator.
- Create a JourneyNavigate to Journey Builder. Click New Journey. Click Create Journey from Scratch or Create Journey from Template.
- Journey TemplatesJourney Templates are pre-defined journeys that show in-context guidance based on commonuse cases and known marketing best practices. Use a template as-is, or modify a template for youruse case.
- Entry SourcesThe entry source on the canvas tells Journey Builder where customers entering thisjourney come from. Each journey must include an entry source.
- Create a FilterMake sure that the intended Marketing Cloud contact enters your journey, follows a split activity path, or reaches goal by building a filter in Journey Builder. Use both contact data and journey data attributes in a filter as needed.
- Canvas ActivitiesA canvas activity is the message action, decision, or update—or a combination of these elements—dragged and dropped onto the Journey Builder canvas. In a journey, activities set by the marketer impact contacts until they reach a goal or the endpoint of the journey.
- Sales and Service Cloud ActivitiesUse Sales and Service Cloud canvas activities in Journey Builder to create or updateSales and Service Cloud object records for connected Marketing Cloud contacts.
- GoalsIn Journey Builder, a goal is the measurement of customer actions that you want topromote. Measure goals based on a goal target you set by creating a filter on contact data. Afteryou activate a journey, Journey Builder evaluates contact data against the filter set as the goaltarget to determine when a goal is met. When Journey Builder determines that a contact met thegoal, that contact is counted in goal target statistics. Reaching the goal can also prompt thecontact to exit, if applicable.
- Journey SettingsChoose the settings that determine when a contact enters a journey and which addressJourney Builder uses to message that contact.
- Activate a JourneyClick Activate. Once activated, contacts enter the journey whenthey meet event or audience filter criteria.