Define a field history data retention policy for each object. The policy specifies the number of months that you want to maintain field history in Salesforce, and the number of years that you want to retain field history in the archive. The following sample file defines a policy of archiving the object after six months, and keeping the archives for fiveyears.
Thefile name determines the object to which the policy is applied. For example,to apply the above policy to the Account object, save the file as Account.object. For existing customobjects, this works the same way, with the file named after the customobject. For example: myObject__c.object.6 5 My field history retention -
Create the project manifest, which is an XML file that’s called package.xml. The following sample file lists several objects for which data retention policy is to be applied. With this manifest file, you expect the objects folder to contain five files: Account.object, Case.object, and so on.
Account Case Contact Lead Opportunity 32.0 - Create the .zip file and use the deploy() function to deploy your changes to your production environment. For more information, see the Metadata API Guide.Note This pilotdoesn’t support deployment from sandbox to production environments.