Engage Navigation
- Use the Create Post icon to create a post.Use the vertical lines icon to create a tab.
- The total number of items in the column.
- Twitter Author Influencer Score. A 0–100 score on how much an authority the author is and can be trusted. The score appears under the post and in the post inspector for Twitter posts.
- Facebook @mention page link. Click the link, either in the Engage column or in the post preview area of the post inspector, to open a new browser tab or window to that page on Facebook.
- or Post sentiment. Shows the sentiment, if specified, of the post as Positive, Neutral (hidden by default), or Negative.
- Image or Video in PostClick to preview a video or animated gif to review in a lightbox view.Multiple images added to a Facebook post that was created on Facebook can be viewed in an Engage column.
- Author Labels help classify posts into categories
- To add a tab, click .
- Multiple images attached to a Twitter post. Up to four images can be attached to a Twitter post. Some Facebook posts can appear with multiple images which were created outside of Social Studio.
- To view the image at a larger size, click .
- Use when hovering the mouse over a post to quickly perform an action for a post, depending on the social network. These same actions are possible for the post in the Post Inspector.
- To update the column, click . A bar across the top of the button decreases as 30 seconds expires to automatically refresh the contents.To set a date range filter for the column, click . To open filtering and column management options, click .
- Indicator that shows a quick filter has been applied.
- Submit feedback for the Social Studio app, and not a request for Technical Support, to Salesforce on Social Studio, review notifications, find relevant help pages and view your user profile.
- Post Inspector shows additional information on the post.
- A Column displays posts from social accounts attached to a workspace that can be arranged and filtered in a custom order. Columns can be added for one or more social accounts or topic profiles, different statuses, or by post labels.