Editing Opportunity Sharing Rules
- From Setup, enter Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Sharing Settings.
- In the Opportunity Sharing Rules related list, click Edit next to the rule you want to change.
- Change the Label and Rule Name if desired.
- If you selected a rule that's based on owner,skip to the next step. If you selecteda rule that's based on criteria, specify the criteria that recordsmust match to be included in the sharing rule. The fields availabledepend on the object selected, and the value must be a literal numberor string. Click Add Filter Logic... to changethe default AND relationship between each filter.
- Select the sharing access settingfor users. For owner-based rules or criteria-basedrules with ownership as criteria, the Opportunity Access level applies to opportunities owned by the group, role, or territorymembers, regardless of the associated account.Access SettingDescriptionRead OnlyUsers can view, but not update,records.Read/WriteUsers can view and update records.
- Click Save.