Edit Published Fields
- Navigate to the Connections tab.
- In the Connection Name column, click the name of the Organization Sync connection.
- In the Published Objects section, click Edit next to an object’s name.The list of fieldsrelated to that object appears. All supported fields are selected by default.NoteAudit fields don’t appear in the list of publishable fields because they’re automatically synced. Rich text area (RTA) fields can’t be published.Formula fields and roll-up summary fields can’t be published because their values are determined by other fields’ values. As a workaround, make sure that the input fields for a formula or summary roll-up field are published. Then, create an identical formula or roll-up summary field in the secondary organization that refers to those input fields to calculate its value. Lookup fields to unpublished objects aren't automatically published because publishing such fields can cause syncing errors. For example, if a field on the Contact object includes a lookup to accounts and the Account object hasn't yet been published, that field can only be published manually.
- Audit fields don’t appear in the list of publishable fields because they’re automatically synced.
- Rich text area (RTA) fields can’t be published.
- Formula fields and roll-up summary fields can’t be published because their values are determined by other fields’ values. As a workaround, make sure that the input fields for a formula or summary roll-up field are published. Then, create an identical formula or roll-up summary field in the secondary organization that refers to those input fields to calculate its value.
- Lookup fields to unpublished objects aren't automatically published because publishing such fields can cause syncing errors. For example, if a field on the Contact object includes a lookup to accounts and the Account object hasn't yet been published, that field can only be published manually.
- Deselect any fields you do not want to publish. Before publishing a field, consider which lookup relationships will be affected.
- Click Save.
- If a two-way sync is implemented and you are unpublishing the field after it was already published and subscribed to, repeat the previous steps in the linked organization.