Delete or Deactivate Lookup Filters
- From the managements settings for the relationship field’s object, go to Fields.
- Scroll to the Custom Fields & Relationships relatedlist.
- Click the name of the field containing the lookup filter.
- Click Edit.
- To deactivate the lookup filter, deselect Enable this filter, then save your changes.Deactivating a lookup filter preserves the lookup filter configurationbut:Prevents it from applying to the relationship fieldPrevents it from impacting the cross-object references limitRemoves it as a dependency for fields referenced in the lookupfilter criteria
- Prevents it from applying to the relationship field
- Prevents it from impacting the cross-object references limit
- Removes it as a dependency for fields referenced in the lookupfilter criteria
- To delete the lookup filter, click Clear Filter Criteria, then save your changes.Deleting a lookup filter permanently removes it. You can’trecover deleted lookup filters.