Edit a Chatter Stream from the Streams Home Page
- Go to the Chatter home page, and click the Streams heading to open the streams homepage.
- On the row that lists the stream you want to edit, click the icon and select Edit to open the Edit Stream dialog.
- Edit the stream.Edit the stream name.To add more feeds to the stream, click in the Records to Follow field to select a feed type. And follow the steps in Create a Stream from the Streams Home Page.To remove a feed from the stream, click its icon.
- Edit the stream name.
- To add more feeds to the stream, click in the Records to Follow field to select a feed type. And follow the steps in Create a Stream from the Streams Home Page.
- To remove a feed from the stream, click its icon.
- To save your changes, click Save.
- To save your stream, click Save again.