Configure SAML Settings for Single Logout Where Salesforce Is theService Provider
- In Setup, enter Single Sign-On Settings in the QuickFind box, then select Single Sign-On Settings.
- In SAML Single Sign-On Settings, select New.
- On the SAML Single Sign-On Settings page, enter the required information and select Single Logout Enabled.
- For Identity Provider Single Logout URL, enter the SAML SLO endpoint of the identity provider. This URL is the endpoint where Salesforce sends LogoutRequests (when a logout is initiated by Salesforce), or LogoutResponses (when a logout is initiated by the identity provider). The identity provider gives you thisendpoint.
- Select the HTTP binding type to be used for service provider-initated SLO. The binding type determines where to put the LogoutRequest or LogoutResponse in the SAML request. The value is base64 encoded.HTTP Redirect — Sent in the querystring, deflated.HTTP POST — Sent in the POST body, not deflated.
Provide your IdP with the Salesforce SP SLO endpoint. It is the LogoutURL found under YourOrganization in Endpoints on the SAMLSingle Sign-On Settings page. The format for the endpoint is https://, where is your org’s My Domain name. If the org is a Salesforce Community, the Logout URL for the community appears on the same page.