Configure Every Fault Path to Send You an Email (Best Practice)
- Create a text template that includes the values of all the flow resources. Doing so lets you see the exact values of flow variables when the interview failed. Also, ifthe flow contains screens, you see exactly what the user entered and selected.Here’s an example text template for the Survey Customers flow from the Create a Satisfaction Survey project on Trailhead.Error: {!$Flow.FaultMessage}RESOURCE VALUES Customer Response: {!Customer_Response} Value of Decision's Yes outcome: {!Yes} Company: {!Company_Name} Satisfaction Choice Field: {!Satisfaction} Service Choice Field: {!Service} Other Comments: {!OtherComments}
- Configure a Send Email element. Use the text template as the body and your email address as the recipient.In this example, Body is set to the text template we created:{!allVariableValues}.
- From each element that can fail, draw a fault connecter to the Send Email element.In this example, Record Create is the only element that supports fault connectors.