Build a Report
- Build a Report in Lightning ExperienceLightning report builder is a powerful and intuitive tool for analyzing your Salesforcedata. Group, filter, and summarize records to answer business questions like “How much revenue didwe generate from new business in California last quarter?” For a visual overview of your data, adda report chart. When finished, run your report to see full results.
- Build a Report in Salesforce ClassicReport Builder is a drag-and-drop tool for accessing your data quickly and comprehensively. Use it to set up new reports and edit existing ones.
- Categorize Data with Bucket Columns Quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field by bucketing them. When you create a bucket column, you define multiple categories (buckets) used to group report values. Like any other column in your report, you can sort, filter, and group by bucket columns.
- Evaluate Report Data with Summary FormulasUse summary formulas to logically evaluate and do math with report results.
- Combine Different Types of Information in a Joined ReportThe joined report format lets you view different types of information in a singlereport. A joined report can contain data from multiple standard or custom reporttypes.
- Report on Historical ChangesOn top of the standard up-to-the-minute reporting on the current state of your business,you can analyze day-to-day and week-to-week changes in opportunities, cases, forecasts, and customobjects.
- Report Type ReferenceThe report type you choose determines which records and fields appear in your report. Forexample, the Opportunities report type gives you access to Opportunity records and fields likeAmoung, Stage and Opportunity Owner.