Advanced FAQs
- Disconnect the integration.The ability to disconnect a Marketing Cloud account from the Sales or Service Cloud account is only available for Enterprise 2.0, Core, and Lock & Publish accounts with version 5.493+ of the package. The account must utilize connected app authentication.
- Refresh the sandbox.Sandbox refreshes complete in hours, days, or even more than a week, depending upon the number of customizations, data size, number of objects, configuration choices, and server load. Also, sandbox refreshes are queued, so there could be a delay after your request.
- Reconnect the accounts.This process connects your Marketing Cloud account to the corresponding Sales or Service Cloud org.
- Complete Connected App authentication setup.Complete these steps to finalize the connected app authentication setup, which manages all cross-cloud authentication from the Marketing Cloud into the Sales and Service Clouds.
- Synchronize data sources.If you use synchronized data sources, all synched objects and data are deleted after disconnecting the integration and must be recreated.